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I will be keeping an eye on the other Grampian Forums and adding here any interesting information regarding repair and maintenance from these other sites plus any information you want to provide on "fixes" you have made to your Grampian that others might find of interest. Please contact the Webmaster with any suggestions.
1. How to Step Mast without a Crane
A brief description of the Mast Raising /Lowering System:
My Spinnaker Pole Pin goes thru a hole in a swiveling Bracket hinged on the Mast bottom casting Tabernacle Bolt .
Two stabilized Turnbuckles ( Port and Starboard ) Shackled through the Main Shroud Chainplate and aligned with the Mast bottom casting Tabernacle Bolt serve as Hinge Point for :Main and Jib Halyard / Stabilizing the Mast Port and Starboard and cleated on the Mast . Two adjustable Nylon Straps from the Tip of the Spinnaker Pole to the same Turnbuckles stabilize the Spinnaker Pole Port / Starboard .The Spinnaker Halyard is also Connected to the Tip of the Spinnaker Pole and cleated on the Mast . A two Block Reefing system is also connected to the tip of the Spinnaker Pole and to Jib Sheath Winch on Starboard ..
For Mast lowering you tip the Spinnaker pole up and control the rate of descent at the Winch .
Mast raising is the procedure in reverse , Starting with the Spinnaker Pole vertical you winch the Mast upright until you can install the pin on the Bow Stay.
Click photos for larger imagesSee also G26 FAQ for other suggestions on accomplishing this task.