Greetings! ...

Firstly, thank you for creating & maintaining a very informative site.

I forget how I first came to know of it, but in my three years as owner of a Grampian 26 I have visited quite a number of times.
However, I have never been more grateful for the site than I was earlier this week when I had my mast laying on the dock by my slip for rewiring. The rewiring job went very well until the very end when I was in the process of putting the hinge back onto the base of the mast. Imagine my horror as the hinge slipped from my grasp and bounced off the dock into the icy waters of Lake Ontario (and a depth of approx. 25'). I did not know what to do!! I assumed that this part would be next to impossible to find, and I envisioned it costing me a lot of money and a lot of lost sailing days. I was EXTREMELY demoralized. I had just spent two years re-building her and had just moved her to Lake Ontario from Lake Simcoe and was looking forward to new adventures.

I headed over to your site, thinking that I'd post an SOS or something, and started looking through the "for sale" ads hoping for a miracle that someone would have one for sale. It was in the Grampian 26 F.A.Q's that I saw the the question on how to repair/replace a broken mast-step hinge and the link to Klacko Spars. I clicked on the link without much hope, assuming that it was going to take to some long-abandoned site. My hopes soared when I saw a functional site AND they answered the phone! Danny Klacko assured me that he was quite certain that he could help me, and he did exactly that. He supplied me with a new hinge that was better than the old one, and drilled/tapped new holes for me to match those which were in the mast.

So, you see ... thanks to, what seemed to be a hopeless situation ended up working out very well.     Paul Conry (Ginger Jesus)