Rob Howard,has been working on hull # 265 1 for 5years,and put her in the water in summer of 2012.  Here is the info on the boat. 1972(this is an educated guess based upon your owners inventory) G26, hull#2651( I believe the 1 was added to satisfy New York state registration documentation requirements). I noticed #265 is also in use on another G26 in Ont. Canada (Not sure which is correct, Webmaster) I have the boat docked in Wilson, N.Y. on lake Ontario. She's got a full keel, a Yamaha 15hp,4stroke motor, cockpit center mainsheet traveler, tiller, Original gauges rehabbed by MOOR electronics Buffalo,a full suit of racing sails, purchased in 1991 for the Youngstown Level Regatta from Haarstick, and said by them to be in 80% or better condition.   I can't thank you enough for all you do, the info ,the pictures, the projects, and especially the community of Grampian owners out there, that spurred me on in the dark hours,when I was sure I would never arrive, afloat to join you!!! In your debt Robert F. Howard ..G26...:Cool Runnings:....."peace be the journey" .


 The Last G26 Hull 


 I have lost the email that accompanied these photos but I was informed that this was the last G26 hull built before Grampian Marine closed. Please send me any further information you may have on this hull.           

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